Thursday, December 02, 2004

December T+D now online

The December issue of T+D magazine is up online here.

This month's feature articles:

--"Get a Seat at the Table" by Kenneth Brown
--"Waiting to Exhale" (how the job market is finally looking up) by Chris Taylor
--"An Illuminated Path" (on the Organizational Savvy Model at Becton-Dickinson) by Martin Seldman and Edward Betof
--"Learning Outsourcing: A Reality Check" by Nancy DeViney and ASTD's own Brenda Sugrue

The Brown feature is free to all with registration while the others are free for ASTD members only. However, links to the online store are included, where the articles can be purchased.

My Intelligence column this month, "Succeed to Lead," covers executive competencies and development and is part one of a two-part series. It is free with registration.

The Fundamentals column, available to ASTD members or for purchase, is written this month by business guru Stephen Covey.

The Working column, free and not requiring registration, discusses the emotional intelligence of Genghis Khan.

...and more!

Lots of good stuff, whether you're an ASTD member or not. Check it out!

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