Friday, March 11, 2005

Best you might've missed

A slightly shorter list this week, but maybe that's best. Trying to find the best balance between too many and too few!

Emergent learning

Bioteaming: A Manifesto For Networked Business Teams. "Virtual, networked business teams gradually emerge as the wave of the future."

Educating The Net Generation. An e-book from Educause.


Taking E-Learning on the Road. How to globalize your e-learning offerings.

Current Trends in E-Learning Research Report. Analysis and commentary from the eLearning Guild.

Mark Rosenberg is Postive About the Future. Ryann Ellis, editor of ASTD's e-learning Webzine, interviews the management consultant, educator, and leading learning expert.

Traditional training/learning

Training 2005. All the handouts from the recent conference are now free online.

"Skills Availability and Finding Qualified, Appropriate Talent." A good primer for what's coming down the pike. The lead item in my April Intelligence column covers this issue--coming soon.

"'Old School,' 'New School:' Changing Workforce Retention Rules." "As different as are children from adults and schools from the workplace, so are the rules regulating workforce retention in the 21st versus the 20th century."

Questions for Success. "Powerful questions have the ability to shake people out of stale ways of thinking and critically reflect on faulty assumptions. Wise leaders know this."


20 Ways to Say No. Have too much on your plate? Here are ways to politely avoid taking on more tasks. (Thanks, Lifehacker.)

Mixing Friendship with Business is a Mixed Blessing. Examines what can happen when your customers are also your friends.

Top Corporate Hate Websites. A good lesson for any company: Bad customer service can lead to a Website all about how horrible your company is.

Blogging is good for your career. Despite what the news may tell you.

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