Thursday, March 18, 2004

Tales of terrible e-learning and training nightmares

The creative folks over at Allen Interactions are offering "no boring e-learning" t-shirts to the five people with the most "painful, mind-numbing, and agonizing tales" of bad e-learning. Until April 25th, go to their message boards and post your story--leaving out details that would identify your company.

This is a great idea, and I've actually been working on a similar story idea for T+D --on Training Nightmares. It's a bit early to solicit submissions, but since this came up, I'll go ahead and ask anyone with a story about a training nightmare to submit it to me at ekaplan (at) (Not using the symbol helps keep spam trawlers from grabbing my address.) I'll keep those stories on file, as well as remind you all about submitting a little later.

This is going to be a fun, light piece about those experiences that made you say, "One day I'll laugh about this," even though you didn't feel like it at the time. Did no participants show up to your class? Did the projection screen fall on your foot? Did you get sick in the middle of a session? You get the idea. The piece will run in October's T+D--just in time for Halloween. I'll be writing it this summer.

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